
Published On: Apr 30th 2018

On the 25th April the European Commission launched a number of initiatives within the domain of the Digital Single Market.

Published On: Apr 30th 2018

In today’s digital era, it is crucial for businesses to realise the importance of setting up a digital strategy.

Published On: Apr 24th 2018

The Malta Communications Authority (MCA) participated in training organised by the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC).

Published On: Apr 23rd 2018

Over the next years, developments in 5G and the Internet of Things will usher a new era in mobile connectivity services.

Published On: Apr 17th 2018

The 2018 Global Startup Ecosystem Report (GSER) highlights that Malta’s tech startup ecosystem is one to watch in the areas of FinTech, blockchain, gaming, big data and analytics.

Published On: Apr 16th 2018

The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) is currently conducting a public consultation seeking stakeholders’ inputs to its work programme for 2019.
