The EC announces AI and Data Economy Initiatives

On the 25th April the European Commission launched a number of initiatives within the domain of the Digital Single Market. The initiatives relate to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the European data economy.

Artificial intelligence refers to systems that display intelligent behaviour by analysing their environment and taking actions – with some degree of autonomy – to achieve specific goals. In the Communication on Artificial Intelligence for Europe, the European Commission is proposing a European approach to make the most out of the opportunities offered by artificial intelligence, while addressing the new challenges it brings. Building on European values, the Commission is proposing a three-pronged approach: increasing public and private investments; preparing for socio-economic changes brought about by AI; and ensuring an appropriate ethical and legal framework.

With regards to the data economy, the European Commission is putting forward a set of measures that will increase the availability of data in the Union. These include better access to and reusability of public sector data; scientific data sharing; private sector data sharing in business-to-business and business-to-government contexts; and securing citizens’ healthcare data.

For more information on the Artificial Intelligence initiatives click here.

For more information on the European data economy initiatives click here.

The Malta Communications Authority, as one of the main actors in driving forward the Digital Agenda in Malta, closely monitors EU developments in this field and participates in, and implements initiatives aimed at maximising the social and economic benefits associated with technological innovation. 


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