Latest Regulatory Updates

Published On: Feb 14th 2014

The Strategic Plan Update represents the MCA's strategic direction for the period 2014 - 2016. It validates established strategic direction and factors in new developments that are seen to have a significant impact during the plan period. ...

Published On: Jan 17th 2014

These surveys were  undertaken between August and October 2013 to gauge consumer perceptions and satisfaction levels with regard to fixed and mobile telephony, Internet and broadcasting services. View Broadcasting Survey [1] View Fixed Telephone Survey [2] View Internet Survey [3] View Mobile Telephone Survey [4] ...

Published On: Jan 8th 2014

 Voluntary Organisations are invited to participate as partners in the project Co-Financed by European Social Funds by offering training facilities and related training administration services that will include the scheduling of training and the coordination of sessions at the respective centre.    Interested org...

Published On: Dec 23rd 2013

A Eurostat report, published last week shows that local broadband penetration currently stands at 79% of all households, ranking 3% higher than the EU average.    Malta is performing better than the EU average in terms of usage amongst those with medium and higher levels of education and by the younger generation...

Published On: Dec 11th 2013

Following a request received from an interested party, the MCA has today granted an extension to the deadline for the submission of responses to its current consultation entitled ‘Market Review for the Postal Sector: Parcel Post Markets’ to *Thursday, 2nd January 2014*.   Access the following link to view Consu...

Published On: Dec 9th 2013

On the 6th March 2013, the MCA published a decision notice titled* ‘ [1]**Market 4 – Wholesale Unbundled Infrastructure Access Market’*, [2] wherein GO was designated as having SMP in the relevant market in question.  As a result of this designation a number of remedies were identified as being incumbent on ...
