Latest Regulatory Updates

Published On: Jun 11th 2014

In November 2012, a new Commission Implementing Decision (2012/688/EU), on the harmonisation of the frequency bands 1 920-1 980 MHz and 2 110-2 170 MHz for terrestrial systems capable of providing electronic communications services in the Union, was published in the Official Journal of the European Union.   In vie...

Published On: Jun 4th 2014

According to the Digital Agenda Scoreboard published recently, Malta ranks first in next generation broadband network coverage, scoring 100% in this regard.   Internet infrastructures in Malta which are capable of providing broadband download speeds of 30 Mbps or more are available nationwide as opposed to 62% co...

Published On: May 14th 2014

The Malta Communications Authority (the Authority) notifies that it has received a request from the local radio amateur community to make available spectrum in the 70 MHz frequency band for amateur radio services.   Further to this request the Authority intends to make recommendations to Government on the allocatio...

Published On: May 6th 2014

A quantitative study commissioned earlier this year by the MCA shows that 42% of the Maltese population own a smartphone, a growth of 5% when compared to a similar survey carried out in 2013.  This increase is reflected in all age groups except in the 65-74yr group, and as expected, the younger age groups lead the...

Published On: Apr 4th 2014

A report [1]published earlier this week by the European Commission on the performance of fixed broadband across Member States and other European countries has indicated that the performance of broadband services in Malta has improved when compared to last year’s performance [2]and is today better than the EU av...

Published On: Mar 25th 2014

On Monday 24th March, Government presented Digital Malta – the National Digital Strategy for 2014-2020.  The seven year strategy was launched by Hon Prime Minister Dr. Joseph Muscat in the presence of Parliamentary Secretary for Competitiveness and Economic Growth, Hon. Dr. Edward Zammit Lewis. Digital Malta [1]...
