
Published On: Dec 20th 2011

In accordance with the Malta Communications Authority Act [Cap. 418 of the Laws of Malta] [hereinafter referred to as ‘Cap. 418’], the Malta Communications Authority [hereinafter ‘the Authority’] may impose administrative fines if there is a breach of any of the laws, authorisation conditions or decisions h...

Published On: Dec 16th 2011

The project objective is to create value for SMEs through value networks using ICT, which will translate into cost-cutting and other efficiencies, thereby resulting in a source of increased competitiveness.

Published On: Dec 9th 2011

The Malta Communications Authority (the Authority) notifies that it has received an application from Sky Telecom Limited (Sky Telecom) for the grant of rights of use of a radio frequency channel being made available for assignment by the Authority in connection with fixed radio links. ...

Published On: Dec 5th 2011

Speech by Ing. Philip Micallef, chairman of the Malta Communications Authority delivered on 23rd November at the BEREC-Regulatel-EAP Summit on “Regulation in the 21st century, a forward looking approach”. ...

Published On: Dec 1st 2011

The National Research & Innovation (R&I) Programme managed by The Malta Council for Science & Technology provides financing in the form of grants for research, development & innovation in science & technology, with a focus on technology transfer between academia & industry.

Published On: Nov 25th 2011

The European Commission has written to sixteen Member States which have failed to fully implement new EU telecoms rules into national law, 6 months after the deadline to do so (25 May 2011).
