Review of Must-Carry Obligations - Decision
By virtue of this decision the MCA is removing the Must-Carry obligation with respect to all General Interest (GI) stations from the Cable TV analogue tier. Whilst this Decision comes into immed
Published On 30/08/2013 Decision MCA/D/13-1683Addendum to the MCA's Consultation of 16 August 2013: Bottom Up Cost Model for Mobile Networks and Proposed Mobile Interconnection Pricing
This addendum is seeking the views of interested parties on a potential additional glidepath to the modelled rate of 0.4 Euro cents per minute. This document should be read in conjuncti
Published On 23/08/2013 Consultation MCA/C/13-1675Highlights and Activities for Weeks 33 & 34
International News
Published On 23/08/2013 Highlights and ActivitiesMCA Free Wi-Fi locator App ranks amongst top 10 free Apps in Google Play
Users with Android based devices can today locate over 185 free Wi-Fi hotspots, which the MCA operates across the Maltese Islands in collaboration with various local councils, NGOs and other Governmen
Published On 20/08/2013 NewsThe MCA's Bottom up Cost Model for Mobile Networks and Proposed Mobile Interconnection Pricing
This document puts forward for public consultation the details of the bottom-up cost model used, as well as the resulting mobile termination rate - calculated at 0.4 € cent per minute. The consul
Published On 16/08/2013 Consultation MCA/C/13-1646Highlights and Activities for Weeks 31 & 32
International News 1. Telecommunications a)
Published On 09/08/2013 Highlights and ActivitiesSocial Media an indispensable channel in mass communications
Social media is important across the board, for both the private industry as well as public institutions. It is essential in forging long-lasting relationships with clients and the general public.
Published On 09/08/2013 NewsPricing of Leased Lines and Ethernet Connections Response to Consultation and Decision
The MCA is today publishing the response to consultation and decision on the new prices for wholesale trunk and terminating segments of leased lines as well as the prices for Ethernet connection
Published On 08/08/2013 Decision MCA/D/13-1612MCA corporate website maintenance
The MCA would like to notify the general public that its corporate website will not be available on Wednesday, 7th August between 11.30 pm and 12.30 am hrs due to maintenance work.
Published On 06/08/2013 NewsNotice by the MCA re: FIXED RADIO LINKS
The Malta Communications Authority (the Authority) notifies that it has received an application from Ozone Limited (Ozone) for the grant of rights of use of a radio frequency channel being made availa
Published On 06/08/2013 News