
Published On: Jun 26th 2015

The latest Digital Agenda Scoreboard once again ranks Malta first, amongst the twenty eight EU Member States, in next generation broadband network coverage. Malta also climbed two places, ranking ninth overall, from eleventh in 2013, in the connectivity segment of this report, which assesses the deployment of broad...

Published On: Jun 25th 2015

GO plc has expressed its interest to provide specific measures for disabled users as a universal service obligation following a call for expressions of interest as specified in the MCA decision entitled "Universal Service Obligations on Electronic Communication Services" which was published in May 2015.

Published On: Jun 16th 2015

Rapid technological advancements are driving people to shift away from traditional sources of information and more towards different channels, such as websites and social media to search and book for travel and leisure activities. Such channels are easily accessible in today’s digital age where the use of smartph...

Published On: Jun 3rd 2015

  Following a request received from an interested party, the MCA is granting an extension to the deadline for the submission of responses to its current consultation entitled 'Virtual Unbundled Access to Fibre-To-The-Home: Implementing the VULA Remedy' to *Wednesday, 17 June 2015 by 12.00 hrs*.   The consultation ...

Published On: May 21st 2015

Further to the announcement made last January with regard to the undertaking of a detailed technical, economical, and financial feasibility study for the laying of a new submarine cable connecting Malta to other alternative locations, the Malta Communications Authority (MCA) has today published a ‘Request for Inf...

Published On: May 15th 2015

In the wake of the Puttinu Cares 60 hour football and volleyball marathon held last week, the MCA is proud of its employees who got together and participated in such a charitable cause.  Employees donated without hesitation and collected a total of €825.    'The MCA is a regulatory institution behind which lies...
