
Published On: Jul 5th 2012

The European Commission has launched an application for smartphones which enables passengers who are stranded at airports or awaiting missing luggage to check for their rights.

Published On: Jun 26th 2012

This document gives an overview of the total interception funds collected and the related expenditure incurred, during the period ended 31 December 2011. ...

Published On: Jun 18th 2012

The Commission has today published the latest figures on the European Electronic Communications Sector, which includes country reports and charts with the aim of illustrating the progress of the policy actions and the key performance targets* in this sector across Europe.

Published On: May 31st 2012

Two new strategies titled Networked Society and Networked Enterprise respectively where launched this week by the MCA.  The documents set out the Authority’s vision and a three year programme of initiatives to sustain wider ICT adoption and use within society and amongst enterprises. During the launch, Dr Austin...
