Corrigendum to MCA Decision No. MCA/D/17-2971
The MCA is hereby publishing a corrigendum to MCA Decision No. MCA/D/17-2971 of 9 October 2017 on the assignment process for additional spectrum for wireless broadband.
Published On 24/09/2018 Electronic CommunicationsNational Roadmap for the UHF band between 470 - 790 MHz
In line with Decision (EU) 2017/899, the MCA is publishing the
Published On 28/06/2018 Electronic CommunicationsDecision Notice on Postcodes as an Integral Part of a Postal Address.
Following the publication of the Legal Notice amending the Postal Services (General) Regulations (S.L.
Published On 14/05/2018 PostalDecision on the Source of Funding for the net cost incurred in providing universal service obligations during 2014
In January 2018, the MCA published its decision on the ‘Review of GO plc’s application for funding of the net cost claimed to have been incurred to provide universal service obligations during 2014
Published On 16/04/2018 Electronic CommunicationsReview of GO plc's application for funding of the net cost claimed to have been incurred to provide universal service obligations during 2014 - Decision Notice
As outlined in the Electronic Communications Networks and Services (General) Regulation, the designated undertaking providing universal services has the right to seek to receive funds for the net cost
Published On 26/01/2018 Electronic CommunicationsModalities of Payment for General Authorisations and Rights of Use under the Electronic Communications (Regulation) Act, (Amendment) Directive, 2018
The purpose of Directive number 1 of 2018 is to amend article 9 of Directive Number 1 of 2004 so as to reflect the provisions at law under paragraph (a) of part C of the Eighth Schedule of SL.
Published On 25/01/2018 Electronic CommunicationsAmendments to the Directive on the Modalities of Payment for Authorisations the Postal Services Act (Directive No. 1 of 2005)
The purpose of these amendments is to update references to applicable legislation, to do away with or amend provisions which are no longer applicable or which need to be updated to reflect changes
Published On 04/12/2017 PostalAmendments to the Directive on the Modalities of Payment for General Authorisations and Rights of Use under the Electronic Communications (Regulation) Act (Directive No. 1 of 2004 as amended by Directive No.1 of 2007)
The Malta Communications Authority is with immediate effect implementing the attached amendments to this Directive.
Published On 04/12/2017 Electronic CommunicationsMCA Decision on the assignment process for additional spectrum for wireless broadband
The availability of adequate spectrum is critical to the deployment of mobile technologies particularly with respect to high-speed wireless data connections that enable the deployment of innovative
Published On 09/10/2017 Electronic CommunicationsThe assignment process for the 1.5 GHz band for terrestrial systems capable of providing electronic communications services in Malta
The assignment of the 1.5 GHz band for wireless broadband use allows the enhancement of downlink capability for mobile broadband systems and could be a strategic tool to tackle the growing mobile d
Published On 24/05/2017 Electronic Communications