

The MCA is today publishing the response to consultation and decision on the provision of wholesale transit services in Malta, following the notification of the respective draft measure to the EU Commission in October 2011.   This decision follows an earlier national consultation exercise carried out between the 1...

The MCA launched a national consultation exercise on transit services in the fixed public telephone network between the 18th of July and the 31st of August 2011. Following the closure of consultation, the MCA notified its draft measure to the EU Commission in October 2011. Pursuant to Article 7(3) of the Framework...

The MCA has today published a decision regarding the manner in which any changes to the terms and conditions of subscriber contracts for the provision of internet, TV, mobile and fixed telephony services are to be implemented by service providers and the legal rights of subscribers throughout such a process.  Ser...

The MCA is today publishing the response to consultation and decision (MCA/D/11-0496) on the new wholesale mobile termination rate which will be applicable as from 1st September 2011. ...

The MCA today published a decision approving an increase of 1 euro cent on single piece domestic mail up to 50 grams, as well as adjustments in the price of foreign outbound parcels to certain countries. Other requests made by MaltaPost regarding the price for registration of mail, for higher weight-steps of domest...

On the 14th September 2010 the MCA outlined its proposed approach to the setting of requirements to be complied with by USP for access at a fixed location in relation to the provision of a connection capable of supporting functional Internet access at a specified minimum broadband data rate. Prior to setting the ...

The purpose of this document is to: a) Outline the MCA’s envisaged approach to regulating Next Generation Access Networks (NGANs). b) Provide some definitional boundaries to the subject matter. c) Identify the key task ...

  This document outlines a summary of the responses received from SMP operators in relation to the WACC calculation and the MCA's approach and decision.   Please refer to the below links for previous decisions regulating WACC calculation: WACC Review 2010 [1] WACC Review 2009 [2] Estimating the Cost of ...

  This document provides an overview of the responses received and the MCA's decision with respect to each of the issues that were consulted upon in July 2010.  These issues relating to the universal service include: • Providing a clear definition on how to classify postal services falling within the scope of...

Following a comprehensive analysis of the current universal service regime, and the outcome derived from a consultation published in May 2009, this decision re-establishes the individual universal service obligations and their respective designations Following a further consultation this decision has been updated t...
