

The MCA has issued a decision [1] whereby it is adopting a forecasting methodology to analyse the gross revenue of DHL Malta with regard to the postal services provided by this company within the scope of the universal service.  Confidential and non-confidential versions of this decision have been issued.  [1]...

The MCA is publishing a non-confidential version of a decision [1] dated 19th November 2014 it took following a complaint by Melita plc alleging a breach by GO plc of the MCA’s regulatory decision entitled “Pricing of Leased Lines and Ethernet Connections – response to consultation and decision” [which latt...

  On 7 January 2015, the Malta Communications Authority (MCA) imposed a daily fine of EUR 20 on Melita plc after failing to provide certain quarterly statistics in line with its requirements. ...

  The MCA is publishing the decision on the ‘Review of GO plc’s application for funding of the net costs claimed to have been incurred to provide universal service obligations during 2010’.  The designated Universal Service Provider has the right to submit a written request to the Authority for the funding ...

Effective competition in the communication markets benefits consumers in terms of increased choice, advantageous prices, appropriate quality and innovation. Nonetheless, for competition to be able to fully deliver effective outcomes, consumers need to be able to switch between service providers without undue effort...

The MCA is today publishing its final decision on the market definition, assessment of competition and regulation of call termination provided on individual public telephone networks in Malta.    This decision follows a national public consultation exercise carried out between the 4th of December 2013 and the 17th...

The MCA is hereby presenting its final decision with regards to the market review of the parcel post markets.   In determining whether a postal operator has the ability to exercise SMP in a parcel post market, the MCA will carry out a forward-looking market analysis based on existing market conditions and evidence....

The MCA is today publishing its final decision on the definition, assessment of competition and regulation of wholesale mobile voice call termination markets in Malta. This decision follows an earlier consultation exercise carried out between the 5th of July 2013 and the 23rd of August 2013. Submissions were rec...

This decision follows a public consultation issued on 16 August 2013 (MCA/C/13-1646) and an Addendum issued on 23 August 2013 (MCA/C/13-1675) for which two operators responded. This Decision summarises the feedback from the respondents, feedback received from the European Commission as well as the MCA’s po...

This decision document revises the Quality of Service (QoS) performance targets to be achieved by MaltaPost Plc for the universal postal service covering the three year period October 2013 - September 2016 ...
