Postal Services

Postal Services

Types of Postal services available:

Ordinary Mail

a. Local

This includes all local mail posted in letter boxes (red colour) distributed around Malta. When posted before 1900hrs between Monday and Friday and 1500hrs on Saturdays, these will be processed on the same day and delivered on the following working day.

b. International

Also known as outbound international mail, when posted before 1900hrs between Monday and Friday and before 1500hrs on Saturday in the Maltese Islands is collected, processed and dispatched to its destination (loaded on aircraft) on the following working day to any EU country, Australia, Canada, USA, Brazil, Israel, Japan, Ukraine, Iceland, Switzerland and New Zealand. Mail to the rest of the countries is sent on a twice-weekly schedule.

One should note that international postage rates vary. One may refer to the airmail country zones on MaltaPost’s website or contact customer care for the current rates.

Bulk Mail

Bulk postal articles shall refer to postal articles consisting of 50 items or more pertaining to the same postal service, being of identical format, size and of the same weight step may be deposited without affixing any postage stamps.

Registered Mail

If you need proof that a postal article has been delivered, whether locally or overseas, you would need to use the Registered Mail Service, which requires the signature of the recipient upon delivery of the postal article.

Parcel Post

When you are posting a parcel, make sure that all items are properly wrapped. Soft items, like small items of clothing, can be mailed in padded envelopes, or in what are commonly known as Jiffy Bags, that are stocked by leading stationers.

When delivering parcel post, you will need to fill up certificates and documents as may be required by the law of the receiving country or as otherwise directed by the postal operator. In all instances, you must give a detailed description, which must be clearly visible, of the item/s you are mailing.

You should also affix a CN 22 form (customs declaration form) on postal articles not exceeding the value of 300 SDR (approximately €337.45) and a CN 23 form in the case of postal articles exceeding the value of 300 SDR.

Newspaper Post

Publications falling within the definition of newspaper post are transmissible by post at specially reduced rates. Such publications must be printed locally and must be prominently marked as “Newspaper Post”. You will need to fill in the relevant form as provided by the service provided and pay an annual fee. Publications should be wrapped or enclosed in such a way that the contents can be easily examined without damaging the envelope or contents.

Express and Courier Services

Express mail sent through express mail or courier service providers are accelerated postal services characterised throughout by a degree of speed, tracking and managerial control that exceed that applied to the fastest standard category of the basic universal letter post and parcel services. The distinguishing characteristic of a courier service provider is that it focuses on the delivery of express postal articles in which the postal article is in the possession of an employee of the company at all stages of its journey. Express mail services are ideal for those who require fast and secure worldwide delivery of mail, be it for important letters, documents or parcels.

Redirection of mail

If you are moving house or business, you may wish to avail yourself of a Redirection Service to ensure that your mail is delivered to your new address. You would need to fill in an application form, which can be downloaded from the service provider’s website or collected from any Branch. The form must be signed by the person or persons to whom the postal articles are addressed and the individual presenting the redirection form should also present the identity cards of all the individuals listed on the said form. A request for the redirection of mail is valid for one year.

Temporary mail custody

If your business outlet is closed for shutdown, or if all family members are away for a limited period of time, you may wish to opt for the Temporary Mail Custody Service. Your mail will be held at the postal operator’s offices for a maximum period of two (2) months.

The relative form must be filled in and handed in personally at one of the service provider’s branches against presentation of your I.D. card. Collection of held mail will also be against presentation of a recognised form of identification.

Post offices (P.O.) boxes

If you would like an alternative address to receive your letters and packets, you can choose to rent a P.O. Box at your local Branch and collect your mail during normal retail hours. Rental charges are applicable on a yearly basis, depending on the size of the P.O. Box. A one-time, refundable deposit is also made on the key. You can download a form from MaltaPost’s website or fill one in at any Branch.

Money & Postal orders

You may wish to use local and foreign Money Orders to settle payments. Foreign Money Orders are available to the following countries:

  • Italy
  •  France
  •  India
  •  Bangladesh
  •  Pakistan

You will need to fill in part of the Money Order form and the rest is completed by the Counter Clerk.

On the other hand, Postal Orders are only available in Pounds Sterling because they are issued by Royal Mail. It is a service that is only available to countries within the Commonwealth.

Although not illegal, it is advisable that one does not send cash by mail. If you have no alternative option it is recommended that you insure the mail item.

Postage paid envelopes

Should you wish to avoid buying and affixing stamps, it is possible to buy envelopes, with a pre-printed stamp. These are available from any Postal Branch. These envelopes are available, in white or window format, and can be customised too. Each pack contains 20 envelopes. These Postage Paid Envelopes can only be used for local postage.

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