The MCA is publishing for consultation its proposed licensing framework to facilitate the deployment of Complementary Ground Components (CGCs) of the 2 GHz Mobile Satellite Service in accordance with EU legislation. The satellite component of the MSS and the CGC share the same 2 GHz frequency bands, i.e. from 1980 ...

The MCA is publishing for consultation its proposal to update the current Broadband QoS Framework. The main points presented in the document are: a) Extend the scope of the Framework Decision to all broadband services which are inherently of a fixed nature due to the technology used to deliver them or by virtue of ...

The assignment of the 1.5 GHz band for wireless broadband use allows the enhancement of downlink capability for mobile broadband systems and could be a strategic tool to tackle the growing mobile data traffic asymmetry driven by increased multimedia usage. Such a band has a huge innovative potential for new service...

The MCA is consulting on the annual QoS standards to be achieved by MaltaPost for the Universal Postal Service as from 1st October 2016.   The consultation will run from *5th July* until *8th August 2016*, during which time the MCA welcomes submissions on any of the issues raised in the consultation. ...

At present must-carry obligations apply only to Melita’s digital cable TV network. Must-carry obligations on Melita’s analogue cable TV network were removed following a review in 2013. A significant development has been observed since the review in 2013, namely a substantial increase in GO’s fixed line Intern...

The MCA has published the proposed decision on the Source of Funding for the net cost incurred in providing universal service obligations during 2012. A decision published in January 2016 on the review of GO plc’s application for funding of the net costs, establishes that the designated undertaking has suffered a...
