Showing Publications For : Decision

Published On: Dec 14th 2021 Decision

This Directive replaces (MCA) Directive Number 1 on the Modalities of Payment for General Authorisations and Rights of Use issued on the 4th November 2004 and subsequently amended by (MCA) Directives No.1 of 2007 and No. 2 of 2017. The purpose of this new Directive is to regulate the manner in which fees established under the Twelfth Schedule of the Electronic Communications Networks and Services (General) Regulations (as per SL>399.48 of the Laws of Malta) are paid to the MCA.

Published On: Nov 22nd 2021 Decision

The Malta Communications Authority is publishing its decision on the source of funding for the net cost incurred by GO plc for the provision of universal service obligations in the electronic communications sector during 2017.

Published On: Oct 22nd 2021 Decision

Broadband as a Universal Service: Ensuring the availability of an adequate broadband internet access service, including the underlying connection, at a fixed location – Decision Notice

Published On: Oct 8th 2021 Decision

The MCA published its decision notice on the review of GO plc’s USO claim for funding of the net cost it incurred during financial year 2017 for the provision of universal service obligations.

Published On: Jun 23rd 2021 Decision

Following formal requests by MaltaPost to review tariffs for certain postal services, the Malta Communications Authority (MCA) reviewed the proposals and is publishing its Decision.
