Published On: Sep 12th 2024 End User Half Yearly Report

The Malta Communications Authority (MCA) has published its report on the complaints and enquiries received during the first six months of 2024.

Published On: Sep 3rd 2024 News

Some news Highlights from the Global Telecommunications and Postal Industries, as well as topical items and trends in Information and Communications Technology.

Published On: Aug 30th 2024 Decision

The Malta Communications Authority is publishing a response to consultation and decision notice regarding the review of the postal tariff mechanism.

Published On: Aug 29th 2024 News

The MCA has updated the register of undertakings authorised to provide Postal Services in Malta.

Published On: Aug 28th 2024 News

Some news Highlights from the Global Telecommunications and Postal Industries, as well as topical items and trends in Information and Communications Technology.

Published On: Aug 28th 2024 Regulatory

The MCA is hereby publishing its annual report for the year 2023/2024 in accordance to the requirements of the Open Internet Regulation (EU) 2015/2120.
