Showing Publications For : News

Published On: Aug 12th 2019 News

A quick view of the MCA's monthly highlights and activities.

Published On: Aug 2nd 2019 News

Some news Highlights from the Global Telecommunications and Postal Industries, as well as topical items and trends in Information and Communications Technology.

Published On: Aug 2nd 2019 News

Some news Highlights from the Global Telecommunications and Postal Industries, as well as topical items and trends in Information and Communications Technology.

Published On: Jul 26th 2019 News

The MCA is hereby publishing the latest data for electronic and postal communications services for Q1 2019. These figures are available in the MCA publication entitled 'Data Report Sheet (DRS)', which provides data for the period Q1 2015 to Q1 2019 on several indicators concerning the postal and telecoms sectors. Â...

Published On: Jul 23rd 2019 News

A quick view of the MCA's monthly highlights and activities.

Published On: Jul 23rd 2019 News

5G is expected to enable new use cases across a range of industry sectors (sometimes referred to as ‘verticals’). In order to better understand the potential impact of 5G on regulation, *we are seeking comments from businesses and organisations who are interested in, or planning to utilise 5G connectivity, in ...
