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Published On: Dec 2nd 2021 News

Some news Highlights from the Global Telecommunications and Postal Industries, as well as topical items and trends in Information and Communications Technology.

Published On: Nov 30th 2021 News

Some news Highlights from the Global Telecommunications and Postal Industries, as well as topical items and trends in Information and Communications Technology.

Published On: Nov 22nd 2021 Decision

The Malta Communications Authority is publishing its decision on the source of funding for the net cost incurred by GO plc for the provision of universal service obligations in the electronic communications sector during 2017.

Published On: Nov 16th 2021 News

Some news Highlights from the Global Telecommunications and Postal Industries, as well as topical items and trends in Information and Communications Technology.

Published On: Nov 15th 2021 News

A quick view of the MCA's monthly highlights and activities.

Published On: Nov 8th 2021 Market Review

The MCA is hereby publishing the Communications Market Review for the period July 2020 to June 2021.
