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Published On: Dec 29th 2021 News

The report outlines the MCA's preliminary considerations on the market potential and regulatory aspects in view of the provision of Very High Capacity (VHC) broadband in Malta.

Published On: Dec 21st 2021 News

Some news Highlights from the Global Telecommunications and Postal Industries, as well as topical items and trends in Information and Communications Technology.

Published On: Dec 16th 2021 News

A quick view of the MCA's monthly highlights and activities.

Published On: Dec 15th 2021 Consultation

This consultation document puts forward various proposed updates to the number portability regime in Malta that are required following the transposition of the European Electronic Communications Code into national legislation.

Published On: Dec 14th 2021 Decision

This Directive replaces (MCA) Directive Number 1 on the Modalities of Payment for General Authorisations and Rights of Use issued on the 4th November 2004 and subsequently amended by (MCA) Directives No.1 of 2007 and No. 2 of 2017. The purpose of this new Directive is to regulate the manner in which fees established under the Twelfth Schedule of the Electronic Communications Networks and Services (General) Regulations (as per SL>399.48 of the Laws of Malta) are paid to the MCA.

Published On: Dec 10th 2021 Consultation

In 2005 the Malta Communications Authority (MCA) issued a Directive No.1 of 2005 entitled the “Directive on the Modalities of Payment for Authorisations under Postal Act” (the ‘Directive’). This Directive was in 2017 amended by Directive No. 1 of 2017 entitled “Amendments to the Modalities of Payment for ...
