Showing Publications For : Consultation

Published On: Jan 19th 2007 Consultation

In this consultation, the MCA proposes a number of amendments to specific clauses of the RIO, revisions to the various timelines set out in the RIO as well as revisions to the forecasting process included in the said RIO.  ...

Published On: Dec 29th 2006 Consultation

This document summarises the findings of the market review regarding the Wholesale broadcasting transmission services market.  ...

Published On: Dec 18th 2006 Consultation

This Statement of Proposed Decision establishes the fixed wholesale interconnection rates chargeable by Maltacom plc for call origination and call termination.  ...

Published On: Dec 11th 2006 Consultation

The National eSecurity Working Group has today published a consultation paper inviting input from the General public on the formulation of a national strategy for achieving eSecurity. The paper covers key issues which the Working Group considers to ... ...

Published On: Dec 6th 2006 Consultation

This consultation and proposed decision addresses the theoretical background for estimating the cost of capital and asks for the views of respondents on a number of specific aspects related to the MCA's proposed methodology and approach in estimating  ...

Published On: Nov 28th 2006 Consultation

This document summarises the findings of the market review regarding the Wholesale unbundled access to the local loop market.  ...
