Showing Publications For : Decision

Published On: Aug 22nd 2007 Decision

Directive on the Modalities of payment for General Authorisations and rights of use under the Electronic Communications (Regulations) Act.

Published On: Jul 11th 2007 Decision

This Report contains a summary of the feedback received from respondents to the consultation on the first version of a Single Billing - Wholesale Line Rental (SB-WLR) product, the MCA's position in relation to these comments, and the final decision.

Published On: May 30th 2007 Decision

In August 2005 the MCA issued a decision entitled “Carrier Selection for VoIP Services – Report on Consultation and Decision”.

Published On: May 3rd 2007 Decision

This document [1] summarises the responses elicited during the national consultation and notification to the EU Commission and also outlines the final decision regrading the market review of the 'Wholesale unbundled access to the local loop.' [1]

Published On: Apr 25th 2007 Decision

This report summarises the responses elicited during the national consultation period, the MCA's replies and the final decision adopted by the Authority. View Consultation Document [1] View Decision Document [2] [1]

Published On: Dec 28th 2006 Decision

The scope of this statement of decision is to clarify the decision on ‘WinBack’ and will establish the means donor operators can contact the subscribers during the porting process and up to two months from the porting date.
