Published On: Jul 11th 2007 Decision

This Report contains a summary of the feedback received from respondents to the consultation on the first version of a Single Billing - Wholesale Line Rental (SB-WLR) product, the MCA's position in relation to these comments, and the final decision.

Published On: Jun 12th 2007 Guidelines

These guidelines are designed primarily as a guide to service providers with regards to any self-regulatory measures that may be taken in relation to advertising content.

Published On: Jun 11th 2007 Consultation

An analysis of responses received and comment on those responses.  This document summaries the responses received to the consultation paper entitled *‘Policy Review and Strategic Framework of Radio Spectrum Management’ [1]*, published on the 30th October 2006. [1] ...

Published On: May 30th 2007 Decision

In August 2005 the MCA issued a decision entitled “Carrier Selection for VoIP Services – Report on Consultation and Decision”.

Published On: May 18th 2007 Consultation

At the 19th Radio Spectrum Committee (RSC) meeting on 14 and 15 March 2007 Member States accepted the draft work programme 2007 for RSC and agreed to submit it to public consultation in order to increase the transparency of the work of the RSC and to  All interested parties are invited to comment on the RSC Work P...

Published On: May 9th 2007 Consultation

The European Regulators Group (ERG) launched on the 4th of May a consultation document covering access to next generation networks.  The document [1]deals with regulatory issues and provides guidance on different fibre roll-out scenarios. It focuses explicitly on wireline next generation access, providing general...
