Published On: May 7th 2009 Individuals Internet and Ecommerce Usage Study

For the first time, the MCA commissioned a qualitative study about Internet and eCommerce use by individuals to obtain a more indepth analysis of the public’s perceptions, fears and concerns when transacting over the Internet.

Published On: May 5th 2009 Consultation

This proposed decision aims to define the various universal service elements, and to establish the framework to designate the relevant undertaking or undertakings that shall be responsible for providing each of these services. The consultation period will run until 30th June 2009.

Published On: Apr 23rd 2009 Guidelines

This document contains a summary of the responses received from SMP operators in relation to the WACC calculation and the MCA's approach and decision.  ...

Published On: Apr 23rd 2009 Market Review

The MCA is hereby publishing the Communications Market Review for the period July to December 2008.

Published On: Apr 7th 2009 Consultation

The MCA has today published a notice for consultation regarding the 3400 - 3800MHz band.

Published On: Apr 3rd 2009 News

This document specifies those aspects of the freephone number portability ordering process that either involve exchanges between operators or involve actions by one operator that affect other operators or the freephone content provider.
