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Published On: Sep 15th 2020 End User Half Yearly Report

The Malta Communications Authority (MCA) has published its report on the complaints and enquiries received during the first six months of 2020.

Published On: Aug 28th 2020 Consultation

This consultation document proposes the minimum functional characteristics of an adequate broadband internet access service (IAS) for Malta. It also depicts the procedure to be used by the MCA in safeguarding the availability of an adequate broadband IAS.

Published On: Aug 28th 2020 Consultation

This consultation paper is intended to analyse and identify which services should be considered as universal services, and to consider whether any of the current universal services should be updated.

Published On: Aug 25th 2020 Consultation

The MCA has today published a consultation paper on the review of GO plc ‘s application for funding of the net costs claimed to have been incurred during 2016 for the provision of the universal service obligations in the electronic communications sector.

Published On: Aug 20th 2020 News

A quick view of the MCA's monthly highlights and activities.
