
MCA International News Week 19

Some news Highlights from the Global Telecommunications and Postal Industries, as well as topical items and trends in Information and Communications Technology.

Published On 19/06/2019 News

MCA International News Week 18

Some news Highlights from the Global Telecommunications and Postal Industries, as well as topical items and trends in Information and Communications Technology.

Published On 19/06/2019 News

MCA International News Week 17

Some news Highlights from the Global Telecommunications and Postal Industries, as well as topical items and trends in Information and Communications Technology.

Published On 19/06/2019 News

MCA International News Week 16

Some news Highlights from the Global Telecommunications and Postal Industries, as well as topical items and trends in Information and Communications Technology.

Published On 19/06/2019 News

Monthly Newsletter - May 2019

The monthly newsletter features the work and activities carried out by the MCA from month to month.

Published On 17/06/2019 News

Invitation to the BEREC public debriefing of the 39th BEREC Board of Regulators ordinary meetings

Together with the Co-Chairs of the Roaming and Markets & Economic Analysis Working Groups, BEREC Chair Jeremy Godfrey (ComReg, Ireland) will present the outcomes of the 39th Board of Regulators

Published On 13/06/2019 News

Pre-notification to deliver Qualified Preservation Services for qualified electronic signatures and qualified electronic seals

The MCA has received pre-notification from a newly established technology company that plans to start offering qualified Preservation Services for qualified electronic signatures and qualified elec

Published On 12/06/2019 News

Proposed Decision on the Source of Funding for the net cost incurred in providing universal service obligations during 2015

As in the case of previous years, in accordance to Regulation SL.399.28, GO plc, as the designated undertaking to provide universal services, sent an application of the net costs it claimed to have

Published On 06/06/2019 Consultation MCA-OPS/tf/19-3600

5G Demand and Future Business Models Towards a Feasible 5G Deployment

The fifth generation of mobile telecommunications (5G) technology has the potential to change the way we live, work, and play.  5G does not simply enhance mobile coverage and data speed.

Published On 31/05/2019 Consultation MCA/C/19-3617

Domestic Single-Piece and Bulk Mail Services

Following a formal request by MaltaPost to review the Domestic Single-Piece and Bulk Mail tariffs, the Malta Communications Authority (MCA) reviewed this proposal and issued a Consultation document

Published On 29/05/2019 News

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