Showing Publications For : Consultation

Published On: Sep 1st 2011 Consultation

Until recently, operators of all commercial TV broadcasts networks have been subjected to must-carry obligations under the relevant provision of the Broadcasting Act which, as a result of the recent amendments, no longer exists.  The recent amendments form part of the realisation of Government’s Policy and Strat...

Published On: Jul 26th 2011 Consultation

The MCA has today published a document entitled ‘GO’s Reference Unbundling Offer: MCA’s Position and Further Consultation on the Review of Sub-Loop Unbundling related aspects of the Reference Unbundling Offer’. In April, the MCA published a consultation document entitled ‘GO’s Reference Unbundling Offer...

Published On: Jul 18th 2011 Consultation

This review defines the market(s) for wholesale transit services in the public telephone network provided at fixed locations in Malta, conducts an assessment of the identified markets on the basis of the ‘Three Criteria Test’ and sets out the reasoning on the MCA’s regulatory approach.

Published On: Jun 10th 2011 Consultation

The MCA has today published a consultation and proposed decision on its review of tariff adjustments submitted by Maltapost plc on Domestic Letter Mail, Registration of Domestic Articles, and Foreign Outbound Parcels Requests.

Published On: Jun 6th 2011 Consultation

This consultation document is proposing a rate of €0.0418, representing a decrease of 32% from the current rate of €0.0617. The rate shall be applicable to all mobile operators having been designated with an SMP status in the provision of mobile termination services market.

Published On: May 11th 2011 Consultation

Provision of Access at a Fixed Location - Requirements to be complied with by the Universal Service Provider (USP) in relation to Functional Internet Access – Proposed Decision and Request for Interest in the provision of the Universal Service.
