Consolidated version: Directive on the Modalites of Payment for General Authorisations and rights of
Directive on the Modalities of payment for General Authorisations and rights of use under the Electronic Communications (Regulations) Act.
Published On 22/08/2007 Decision MCA-D-41Quality of Service targets to be achieved by Maltapost plc
The consultation period runs until, Monday 10th September 2007.
Published On 20/08/2007 Consultation MCA-C-472006: MCA Perceptions Survey - Postal Services - Large Bulk Mailers
An overview of the results obtained following a surveys conducted by the National Statistics Office (NSO) for the Malta Communications Authority (MCA) amongst Large Businesses on postal services.
Published On 16/08/2007 Large Bulk Mailers2006: MCA Perceptions Survey - Postal Services - Small Businesses
An overview of the results obtained following a surveys conducted by the National Statistics Office (NSO) for the Malta Communications Authority (MCA) amongst Small Businesses on postal services.
Published On 16/08/2007 Small Business2006: MCA Perceptions Survey - Postal Services - Households
An overview of the results obtained following a surveys conducted by the National Statistics Office (NSO) for the Malta Communications Authority (MCA) amongst Households on postal services.
Published On 16/08/2007 HouseholdElectronic Communications Market Review Sep-Mar 07: THE FIXED LINE MARKET
The aforementioned report has been segmented for easier download. This particular document provides information on the Fixed Line Market.
Published On 31/07/2007 Market ReviewModalities of Payment - Consultation and Proposed Amendments
Modalities of Payment for General Authorisations and Rights of Use under the electronic Communications (Regulation) Act. Consultation closes Monday, 6th August 2007 at 12.00pm.
Published On 12/07/2007 Consultation MCA-C-48Report on Consultation and Decision on Wholesale Line Rental - July 2007 (updated March '08)
This Report contains a summary of the feedback received from respondents to the consultation on the first version of a Single Billing - Wholesale Line Rental (SB-WLR) product, the MCA's position in
Published On 11/07/2007 Decision MCA-D-42Guidelines on Customer Info & Marketing Material for Undertakings Providing PATS at Fixed Locations
These guidelines are designed primarily as a guide to service providers with regards to any self-regulatory measures that may be taken in relation to advertising content.
Published On 12/06/2007 GuidelinesResponse to consultation on a policy review and strategic framework of radio spectrum management
An analysis of responses received and comment on those responses.
Published On 11/06/2007 Consultation MCA-C-49