Local Leased Lines Pricing Review 2008 - Consultation & Proposed Decision, Feb 2008
The objective of this document is to put to public consultation the proposed prices of local leas
Published On 19/02/2008 Consultation MCA-C-41The 2.5 GHz Spectrum Band - January 2008
The 2.5GHz band (2500-2690 MHz) is considered by many to have a significant economic potential.
Published On 15/01/2008 Consultation MCA-C-42Review of GO plc Reference Interconnection Offer - January 2008
Report on Consultation and Decision - January 2008
Published On 02/01/2008 Decision MCA-D-36A framework for freephone services in the 800 range - proposed Decision
This consultation deals with subscriber access to freephone numbers and freephone interconnectivity.
Published On 14/12/2007 Consultation MCA-C-43Regulatory matters concerning provision of postal services
The MCA would like to inform the general public on the following:Post-1997 LM only Postage Stamps will no longer be valid for prepayment of postage
Published On 12/12/2007 GuidelinesQuality of Service Targets to be achieved by Maltapost - Decision December 2007
This decision covers a period of three years.
Published On 07/12/2007 Decision MCA-D-37Directive on Payment of Postage and Postal Identifier
The MCA has issued a Directive requiring Maltapost plc to amend its scheme entitled “Posting and Delivery Requirements Scheme” and to provide for a postal scheme whereby all postal articles deliver
Published On 27/11/2007 Decision MCA-D-38Communications Market Review: September to March 2007 (Internet Market)
This report provides information on the Internet market during the six months ending 31 March 2007.
Published On 24/11/2007 Market ReviewPreventing anti-competitive winback tactics - Consultation Paper
The MCA has published the consultation paper 'Preventing anti-competitive winback tactics in a Number Portability, Wholesale Line Rental and a Carrier Pre-Selection environment'.
Published On 22/11/2007 Consultation MCA-C-44Communications Market Review: September to March 2007 (The fixed line market)
This report provides information on the Fixed Line Market during the six months ending 31 March 2007.
Published On 14/11/2007 Market Review