Policy and Strategy for Digital Broadcasting that meets General Interest Objectives
This policy was launched during a press conference held on Friday, 6th February 2009 by the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Communications, Hon Austing Gatt, together with Ing.
Published On 02/06/2009 Consultation MCA-C-26Internet and eCommerce Use by Consumers - April 2009
For the first time, the MCA commissioned a qualitative study about Internet and eCommerce use by individuals to obtain a more indepth analysis of the public’s perceptions, fears and concerns when t
Published On 07/05/2009 Individuals Internet and Ecommerce Usage StudyProposed decision on Universal Service Obligations on Electronic Communication Services
This proposed decision aims to define the various universal service elements, and to establish the framework to designate the relevant undertaking or undertakings that shall be responsible for prov
Published On 05/05/2009 Consultation MCA-C-27WACC Review - 2009
This document contains a summary of the responses received from SMP operators in relation to the WACC calculation and the MCA's approach and decision.
Published On 23/04/2009 GuidelinesCommunications Market Review: July to December 2008
The purpose of this publication is to inform the general public on the main trends and developments in Malta for electronic communications and post.
Published On 23/04/2009 Market ReviewConsultation on the 3400 - 3800 MHz band
The MCA has today published a notice for consultation regarding the 3400 - 3800MHz band.
Published On 07/04/2009 Consultation MCA-C-28Number Portability Specification for Freephone Numbers
This document specifies those aspects of the freephone number portability ordering process that either involve exchanges between operators or involve actions by one operator that affect other opera
Published On 03/04/2009 NewsMCA Annual Plan 2009
The document represents the MCA's Annual Plan for 2009.
Published On 03/04/2009 Annual PlanRetail public telephone call services provided at a fixed location
The MCA is hereby presenting its decision on the markets for retail public telephone services provided at a fixed location (the retail calls markets), in accordance with the EU regula
Published On 25/03/2009 Decision MCA-POL/kc/13-1616Accounting Separation and Publication of Financial Information by Undertakings having SMP in the ECS
The aim of this proposed decision is to update the 2002 Decision on Accounting Separation, and where appropriate propose amendments based on the experience gained by the MCA from subsequent interac
Published On 06/03/2009 Decision MCA-D-26