Consumer complaints received and dealt with by the MCA in January 2010
Below you may find monthly reports on each of the sectors regulated by the Malta Communications Authority and the operators involved. Complaints where there were no grounds to proceed, despit
Published On 01/01/2010 Monthly Consumer ComplaintsNumber Portability Wholesale Charges - Further Consultation & Proposed Decision
The Consultation period will run until Friday 12th February 2010
Published On 30/12/2009 Consultation MCA-C-14Strategic Plan update for 2010 - 2012
This update validates the strategic direction set out in preceding years and incorporates any new developments within the sectors that the MCA regulates, in light of their impact on the Maltese reg
Published On 14/12/2009 Strategic PlanWholesale call termination on individual public telephone networks provided at a fixed location
This review defines the market(s) for wholesale call termination on individual public telephone networks provided at a fixed location in Malta, conducts an analysis of the identified market(s), and
Published On 14/12/2009 Consultation MCA-C-15Managing Common Operational Issues in a Multi-operator Environment - postal sector
Through this Decision Notice the MCA is introducing a set of minimum standards setting out th
Published On 01/12/2009 Decision MCA-D-23Interconnection Pricing Strategy for Electronic Communications Sector in Malta - Nov 2009
This consultation and proposed
Published On 30/11/2009 Consultation MCA-C-16Wholesale voice call termination on individual mobile networks
This decision follows the market analysis of the Wholesale voice call termination on individual mobi
Published On 16/11/2009 Decision MCA-D-24LLU: Review of GO's RUO - Consultation & Proposed Decision, November 2009
This Consultation document is proposing a number of amendments to GO's Reference Unbundling Offer.
Published On 12/11/2009 Consultation MCA-C-17LLU - Review of GO's RUO: ANNEXES to the Consultation & Proposed Decision Nov 09
Annexes to the Consultation and Proposed decision that suggests a number of amendments to GO's Reference Unbundling Offer.
Published On 12/11/2009 Consultation MCA-C-18National Numbering Conventions - Consultation & Proposed Decision October 2009
Whilst most of the content of the previous conventions have been retained, this consultation is also proposing a comprehensive number application process.
Published On 23/10/2009 Consultation MCA-C-19