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Published On: Apr 17th 2019 Decision

Following a public consultation, the MCA is publishing its Decision on GO’s application for funding of the net cost claimed to have been incurred to provide universal service obligations during 2015.

Published On: Apr 15th 2019 News

A quick view of the MCA's monthly highlights and activities.

Published On: Mar 29th 2019 News

​Subscriptions were up for all electronic communications services in the last quarter of 2018, figures released today by the MCA show. These figures are available in the MCA publication entitled 'Data Report Sheet (DRS)', which provides data for the period Q1 2014 to Q4 2018 on several indicators concerning the p...

Published On: Mar 29th 2019 Data Report Sheet

The MCA is hereby updating its series of Data Report Sheet ('DRS') publications with a report covering the period Q1 2014 to Q2 2018

Published On: Mar 29th 2019 News

The Malta Communications Authority (MCA) has published its report on the complaints and enquiries received during the last 6 months of 2018.  This report provides an in-depth analysis of the complaints received by the Authority during this period.  In total, the MCA received 132 complaints from subscribers of te...

Published On: Mar 29th 2019 End User Half Yearly Report

The Malta Communications Authority (MCA) has published its report on the complaints and enquiries received during the last six months of 2018. This report provides an analysis of the complaints received by the Authority during this period.
