Showing Publications For : Consultation

Published On: May 31st 2019 Consultation

This study and the related survey summarises information concerning uses and applications which identify 5G as an enabler and is intended to further stimulate the discussion towards a feasible 5G deployment.

Published On: Apr 23rd 2019 Consultation

The Malta Communications Authority is today publishing a consultation on its review of the Weighted Average Cost of Capital.

Published On: Apr 23rd 2019 Consultation

The Malta Communications Authority is today publishing a consultation on its review of the Domestic Single-Piece and Bulk Mail Services - MaltaPost Proposal.

Published On: Mar 29th 2019 Consultation

The Malta Communications Authority has today published a consultation paper on the proposed way forward in relation to numbering resources for M2M/IoT connectivity services and other non-interpersonal communications services.

Published On: Feb 7th 2019 Consultation

A Review to GO plc’s application for funding of the net costs it claimed to have incurred in providing universal services during the financial year 2015.

Published On: Dec 27th 2018 Consultation

Availability of additional radio spectrum in the 1.5 GHz band for terrestrial systems capable of providing electronic communications services Kindly note that the consultation period has been extended until the 8th February 2019.
