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Published On: Oct 12th 2021 News

Directive No. 1 of 2012 entitled on the Obligations related to the administration of the Unified legal Interception System under the Electronic Communications (Regulation) Act is being substituted by a new Directive entitled ‘Directive No. 1 of 2021 on the Obligations related to the administration of the Unified legal Interception System’. The only material changes relate to the references to the applicable legislation in the revised Directive subsequent to the coming into force of the new laws transposing the European Electronic Communications Code.

Published On: Oct 8th 2021 Decision

The MCA published its decision notice on the review of GO plc’s USO claim for funding of the net cost it incurred during financial year 2017 for the provision of universal service obligations.

Published On: Oct 7th 2021 Annual Report

The MCA has published its 2020 Annual Report, showcasing the work and activity performed by the Authority throughout the year, as well as its Financial Statements.

Published On: Sep 17th 2021 Data Report Sheet

The MCA is hereby updating its series of Data Report Sheet ('DRS') publications with a report covering the period Q1 2017 to Q2 2021.

Published On: Sep 14th 2021 Monthly Pricing Developments

The MCA is hereby publishing a short presentation highlighting on the main product and price developments for electronic communications for May to August 2021.

Published On: Sep 2nd 2021 Consultation

The MCA has today published a consultation paper on the review of GO plc‘s application for funding of the net costs claimed to have been incurred during 2017 for the provision of universal service obligations in the electronic communications sector.
