Price Developments Publication - April and May 2020
The MCA is hereby publishing a short presentation highlighting on the main price developments for electronic communications for the months of April and May 2020.
Published On 10/06/2020 Monthly Pricing DevelopmentsResponse to the Consultation on Proposed Changes to Regulation 51 of the Electronic Communications Networks and Services Regulations (S.L. 399.28 of the Laws of Malta
In an increasingly joined-up, high speed digital environment where take-up of Cloud-based services, among others, is ramping up steeply, reliance on always-on, electronic communications networks ca
Published On 09/06/2020 Decision MCA/O/20-3886Consultation on the Assignment Process of Radio Spectrum in the sub-700MHz Band for Digital Terrestrial Television Services in Malta
In view of the expiry of the current spectrum licence in May 2021, the obligations arising from the decisions published by the European Commission concerning the harmonisation of spectrum in
Published On 05/06/2020 Consultation MCA/C/20-3838Market analysis of the provision of wholesale fixed broadband access in Malta
The MCA is hereby initiating a consultation exercise on its market analysis concerning the provision of wholesale fixed broadband access in Malta.
Published On 22/05/2020 ConsultationMonthly Newsletter - April 2020
The monthly newsletter features the work and activities carried out by the MCA from month to month.
Published On 15/05/2020 NewsMail Redirection Services: MaltaPost plc proposed changes in tariffs and service conditions
Following a formal request by MaltaPost to review the Redirection Mail tariffs and service conditions, the Malta Communications Authority (MCA) reviewed this proposal and is publishing its
Published On 14/05/2020 Decision MCA/D/20-3856Price Developments Publication - January to March 2020
The MCA is hereby publishing a short presentation highlighting on the main price developments for electronic communications for the period January to March 2020.
Published On 07/05/2020 Monthly Pricing DevelopmentsKey market indicators for electronic communications and post: Q1 2015 to Q4 2019
The MCA is hereby updating its series of Data Report Sheet ('DRS') publications with a report covering the period Q1 2015 to Q4 2019.
Published On 06/05/2020 Data Report Sheet MCA-R/kc/20-3852eBiznify Launch 2020
The Parliamentary Secretary for Financial Services and Digital Economy Clayton Bartolo launches intake for the eBiznify programme.
Published On 05/05/2020 EcommerceInteroperability of Car Radio Devices
This document provides the salient points of the feedback provided by the respondents to the views and proposals raised in the consultation document published on the 8th October 2019 and the MCA’s
Published On 29/04/2020 News