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Published On: Jul 20th 2009 Decision

The objective of this decision is to update the 2002 Decision on Accounting Separation following the experience gained by the MCA from subsequent interactions with Significant Market Power (SMP) operators in the Electronic communications Sector. ...

Published On: Jun 21st 2009 Market Review

The MCA is hereby publishing the Communications Market Review for the period January to June 2009.

Published On: Jun 4th 2009 Consultation

This statement of proposed decision is proposing a revision to the peak/off-peak/night time variations in fixed-line wholesale origination and termination rates.  *The Consultation period will run until Thursday, 2nd July 2009. * View decision document [1] [1]

Published On: Jun 2nd 2009 Consultation

This policy was launched during a press conference held on Friday, 6th February 2009 by the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Communications, Hon Austing Gatt, together with Ing. Philip Micallef, Chairman, MCA and Mr. Joe Scicluna, Chairman, BA.

Published On: May 7th 2009 Individuals Internet and Ecommerce Usage Study

For the first time, the MCA commissioned a qualitative study about Internet and eCommerce use by individuals to obtain a more indepth analysis of the public’s perceptions, fears and concerns when transacting over the Internet.

Published On: May 5th 2009 Consultation

This proposed decision aims to define the various universal service elements, and to establish the framework to designate the relevant undertaking or undertakings that shall be responsible for providing each of these services. The consultation period will run until 30th June 2009.
