Published On: May 27th 2010 Consultation

The MCA consults on the new proposed mobile termination rates in line the Interconnection Strategy decision. Consultation period runs till 12:00 hours on Friday 18th June 2010.  ...

Published On: May 25th 2010 Decision

This document [1] outlines the assignment methodology that will be adopted in respect of Test and Trial Licences (MCA/10/27). This follows a public consultation process that was initiated in August 2009.   The Authority would also like to inform authorised undertakings and the general public, that the fee for the g...

Published On: May 24th 2010 Consultation

This consultation document seeks views on the MCA's plans for the introduction of spectrum trading. The responses to this consultation will be used to provide recommendations to Government on the introduction of spectrum trading regulations outlining.

Published On: May 17th 2010 Decision

This decision [1] follows the market analysis of the wholesale call termination on individual public telephone networks provided at a fixed location in Malta.   Based on the evidence available, five wholesale call termination markets have been identified, and five operators have been designated with Significant Ma...

Published On: May 17th 2010 Decision

This decision [1] provides an overview of the short to medium term Interconnection Strategy, for the local Electronic Communications sector, aimed at addressing the current level of wholesale interconnection charges.  [1] ...

Published On: May 11th 2010 Market Review

The MCA is hereby publishing the Communications Market Review for the period July to December 2009.
