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Published On: May 14th 2013 News

Assignment of radio frequencies for fixed radio links

Published On: May 13th 2013 News

  During this meeting, the MCA gave an overview of the 2013 BEREC Work Programme.  In addition to this, a status update on the Fibre-to-the Home project was also presented.    *Date*: Wednesday 24th October 2012 *Venue*: MCA Boardroom ...

Published On: May 3rd 2013 Highlights and Activities

This newsletter provides an overview of the international meetings, publications, events and legal developments for the period 22.04.13 - 03.05.13.

Published On: Apr 26th 2013 Consultation

The MCA is reviewing its 2012 must-carry must carry determination, as a result of the addition of a seventh must carry channel, as well as substantial subscriber migration from the analogue cable platform.

Published On: Apr 19th 2013 Highlights and Activities

Highlights and activities for Weeks 15 & 16 (08.04.13 – 19.04.13)

Published On: Apr 19th 2013 News

The MCA applied to the Competition and Consumer Appeals Tribunal to ask to intervene in an appeal lodged by Melita plc contesting a compliance order issued by MCCAA, which order was issued at the request of MCA.
