
International Leased Lines Pricing Review 2008 - Consultation Paper

The objective of this document is to put to public consultation the proposed prices for international leased lines. Consultation closes on Wednesday, 28th May 2008.

Published On 13/05/2008 Consultation MCA-C-34

Commission launches public consultation on the functioning and effects of the EU Roaming Regulation

As of today, the European Commission invites feedback by industry, consumers and other interested stakeholders to review the functioning and effectiveness of the EU Roaming Regulation, which entere

Published On 08/05/2008 Consultation MCA-C-35

Guidelines for MVNOs, ESPs, SPs and MVNEs

The MCA today published the Regulatory Guidelines for Mobile Virtual Network Operators, Enhanced Service Providers, Service Providers and Mobile Virtual Network Enablers.   The objective

Published On 18/04/2008 Guidelines

Fixed Interconnection Pricing Review - Proposed Decision, April 2008

This statement of proposed decision is proposing a further 9% reduction in fixed-line wholesale origination and termination rates. 

Published On 15/04/2008 Consultation MCA-C-36

Wholesale Broadband Access Market

This review defines the market for wholesale broadband access in Malta, conducts an analysis of the relevant market and sets out the reasoning on the regulatory approach to this market. 

Published On 11/04/2008 Consultation MCA-C-37

Internet and eCommerce Use by Consumers - April 2008

The MCA has commissioned Ernst & Young to carry out its 4th e-Commerce survey aimed at gaining insight of the level of e-Commerce usage across the Maltese Islands and to assess its potential for g

Published On 07/04/2008 Individuals Internet and Ecommerce Usage Study

Maltapost plc's Universal Service Obligations - Accessibility, Daily Delivery, Provision of Info.

This document discusses the obligations incumbent on Maltapost plc as the Universal S

Published On 04/04/2008 Consultation MCA-C-38

Local Leased Lines Pricing Review - April 2008

Following the consultation document on the proposed prices for local wholesalse and retail leased lines that was publised in February 2008, the MCA is today publishing a report on consultation and

Published On 03/04/2008 Decision MCA-D-33

Decision and further consultation on Estimating the Cost of Capital (April 2008)

This document contains a summary of the feedback received from respondents in relation to the MCA's consultation and proposed decision on the calculation of the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WA

Published On 02/04/2008 Decision MCA-D-34

Wholesale voice call termination on individual mobile networks - March 2008

This review defines this market, conducts an analysis of the relevant markets, identifies operat

Published On 17/03/2008 Consultation MCA-C-39

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