Internet & eCommerce Use by Consumers – September 2008
The MCA carried out its fifth eCommerce survey to obtain an indication of the level of eCommerce use by consumers across the islands, and the sector’s potential for growth.
Published On 07/09/2008 Individuals Internet and Ecommerce Usage StudyWholesale Broadcasting Transmission Services - Consultation
Identification and analysis of markets, determination of market power and setting of remedies.
Published On 29/08/2008 Consultation MCA-C-32Consultation on Proposed Decision re: Modifications to Terms & Conditions of subscriber contracts
Consultation closes on Friday, 12th September 2008.
Published On 28/08/2008 Consultation MCA-C-33Proposed Regulations on International Connectivity: EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM
The MCA is consulting on draft regulations that it intends to propose to the Ministry for Infrastructure, Transport and Communications for adoption.
Published On 26/08/2008 NewsInternational Connectivity (Continuity of Operation) Regulations 2008 - CONSULTATION
Electronic Communications (Regulations) Act (Cap 399). This is not an official version of the Laws of Malta and is only provided for reference during the Consultation period.
Published On 26/08/2008 NewsEstimating the Cost of Capital: Further consultation on Beta Values - August 2008
This decision follows a further consultation on the estimation of WACC which was published in April 2008 and focused specifically on a proposed range of Beta values to be used in the estimation of
Published On 14/08/2008 Decision MCA-D-31Framework for Freephone services in the 800 range: Report on Consulation and Decision
This Decision is limited to freephone services in the '800' numbering range.
Published On 07/08/2008 Decision MCA-D-32International Leased Lines Pricing Review 2008 - Summary of Decision
The Malta Communications Authority (MCA) has published a decision on its pricing review of international leased lines.
Published On 23/07/2008 DecisionInternational Leased Lines Pricing Review 2008 - Consultation Paper
The objective of this document is to put to public consultation the proposed prices for international leased lines. Consultation closes on Wednesday, 28th May 2008.
Published On 13/05/2008 Consultation MCA-C-34Commission launches public consultation on the functioning and effects of the EU Roaming Regulation
As of today, the European Commission invites feedback by industry, consumers and other interested stakeholders to review the functioning and effectiveness of the EU Roaming Regulation, which entere
Published On 08/05/2008 Consultation MCA-C-35