The future of the 900MHz and 1800MHz Spectrum Bands
The MCA has today published a notice for consultation regarding the future of spectrum in the 900 and 1800MHz bands.
Published On 16/02/2009 GuidelinesStatement on the Authorisation of Mobile Communication Services on board Aircraft
Bringing into force of the regulations related to Mobile on board Aircraft (MCA) Services.
Published On 09/12/2008 NewsRetail Public Telephone Call Services provided at a Fixed Location
This review defines the local retail calls markets, conducts an analysis of the relevant markets, and sets out the reasoning on the regulatory approach in view of the identified markets.
Published On 05/12/2008 Consultation MCA-C-29Wholesale Broadcasting Transmission Services - 2008 Decision on Identification of Markets and assessment of Market Power
This review sets out the MCA 2008 final decision for the identification of a wholesale broadcasting transmission services market and an assessment of market power.
Published On 24/11/2008 Decision MCA-D-27Response to Consultation and MCA Preliminary Position on the 2.5GHz band
This document is a response to the consultation that was issued earlier this year.
Published On 08/11/2008 Decision MCA-D-28MCA Draft Guidelines for Inter-Operator Complaints, Disputes & Own Initiative Investigations
The MCA is consulting on guidelines with regard to the proposed procedure which it intends to implement for the investigation and resolution of inter-operator disputes, complaints and own initiativ
Published On 10/10/2008 Consultation MCA-C-30Wholesale voice call termination on individual mobile networks - FINAL DECISION
Identification and Analysis of markets, determination of market power and setting of SMP conditions.
Published On 06/10/2008 Decision MCA-D-29Communications Market Review: January to June 2008
The purpose of this publication is to inform the general public on the main trends and developments in Malta for electronic communications and post.
Published On 29/09/2008 Market ReviewMaltapost Plc's Universal Service Obligations - Decision Notice September 2008
This decision notice covers accessibility, daily delivery and provision of information.
Published On 10/09/2008 Decision MCA-D-30Proposed Amendments to the Postal Services (General) Regulations
The amendments relate primarily to the use of a postal identifier, business reply and freepost services and a revision of the current authorisation fees paid by operators who provide postal service
Published On 09/09/2008 Consultation MCA-C-31