Must-Carry Obligations - Designation of Obligations on Providers of Networks used for Television and Radio Distribution Services
This decision implements the designation of obligations on providers of network
Published On 23/02/2012 Decision MCA-D-6Consumer complaints received and dealt with by MCA in February 2012
Below you may find monthly reports on each of the sectors regulated by the Authority and the operators involved.
Published On 19/02/2012 Monthly Consumer ComplaintsHighlights and Activities for Weeks 5 & 6
International Activities
Published On 09/02/2012 Highlights and ActivitiesMCA decision on access to the public telephone network at a fixed location
The MCA is today publishing the response to consultation and decision on access to the public telephone network at a fixed location in Malta, following the notification of the respective draft meas
Published On 07/02/2012 Decision MCA/D/12-0749Malta Celebrates Safer Internet Day
Today, together with the rest of Europe, Malta is celebrating the Safer Internet Day.
Published On 07/02/2012 NewsInformation to be Included in Subscriber Contracts
The MCA’s consultation on ‘Information to be included in subscribers contracts’ officially closed on Friday 30th March 2012.
Published On 03/02/2012 News MCA/C/12-0745Information to be Included in Subscriber Contracts
The MCA’s consultation on ‘Information to be included in subscribers contracts’ officially closed on Friday 30th March 2012.
Published On 03/02/2012 Consultation MCA/C/12-0745Highlights and Activities for Weeks 3 & 4
International Activities
Published On 01/02/2012 Highlights and ActivitiesMCA Annual Plan 2012
This document represents the MCA's Annual Plan covering the period 2012. It focuses on the priority work-streamsand related individual tasks that the MCA intends to undertake during 2012.
Published On 01/02/2012 Annual PlanPerceptions on the postal service in Malta: What do local businesses and consumers think of this essential service?
The MCA has published the results of two surveys it carried out in November 2011, in order to gauge household and small business perceptions and satisfaction levels with regard to the postal service p
Published On 01/02/2012 News