Filing a Complaint

Verzjoni bil-Malti

As a customer you are entitled to receive a minimum quality of service from your communications service provider. If you are not completely satisfied with the service you are given, you should always contact your service provider first about your problem. In many cases your service provider will be able to rectify your situation without you having to take the matter any further.

Steps to take when lodging a complaint with your service provider

  1. Where possible, lodge a complaint in writing, explaining your problem clearly. Highlight the shortcomings and specify what remedy you are seeking.
  2. State your name, postal and e-mail addresses, and the phone number/s, where you can be reached during the day.
  3. Always identify the service providers representative with whom you are dealing, including date and time of your interactions.
  4. Always keep a copy of any written communications you have exchanged with the service provider.
  5. Ask for action within a specific period of time.

If matters remain unresolved:
If you are not satisfied with the response and/or remedy offered by the service provider after you have lodged a complaint, the Authority may be able to help you. Fill in our Consumer Complaint Form and email to or send by post to:

Malta Communications Authority
Valletta Waterfront
Pinto Wharf Floriana. FRN1913

You may also call on 21 336 840 should you find any difficulty with the consumer complaint form [English / Maltese].

How the MCA will handle your query or complaint

  • We will acknowledge your complaint within 2 working days.
  • We will endeavour to give you a full reply within 20 working days.
  • We will check that you have provided all the relevant details.
  • We will also ask you to confirm that you have already approached your service provider to resolve the matter.We will investigate the complaint. This may involve further contact with you and the service provider.
  • Unless there is a valid specific request by either you or the service provider, any information relating to your case will be accessible to all parties involved.

What can the MCA do?

The extent of the action the MCA can take in relation to your complaint, depends on the particulars of your complaint and the MCA's relevant legal powers. Hence, if the complaint involves issues that have a direct regulatory bearing, such as a breach of a regulatory obligation under a law the MCA is empowered to enforce, then the MCA can intervene.

In instances where the MCA cannot effectively intervene, the MCA may try to mediate between you and the service provider. Failing that, the MCA will suggest alternative courses of action by referring you to the appropriate forum, where you can take your complaint.


The MCA is not empowered to make awards, requiring a service provider to give monetary compensation to a customer as a remedy for any customer dissatisfactions. Service providers may of course voluntarily agree to offer compensation, however this is at their discretion.

This does not mean that you cannot seek compensation before other bodies. In most instances, if you believe that you have been provided a service which is not satisfactory and that you are entitled to compensation, then as a consumer you may file a claim before the Consumer Claims Tribunal. This Tribunal is empowered to determine disputes between customers and traders and to make awards of up to € 3494.06 (Lm 1,500) including awards of up to € 232.94 (Lm 100) for inconvenience or distress suffered.

For further information you can contact the Consumer Claims Tribunal's secretariat at 4, Old Mint Street, Valletta CMR 02. You can also phone on 21 239 892 or else log on their website at: Their office hours are between 0900hrs and 1230hrs.

If you are a business, then you have recourse to the Small Claims Tribunal, which can determine claims of up to € 3494.06 (Lm 1,500). The Small Claims Tribunal is located at the Courts of Justice, Republic Street, Valletta. Their telephone numbers are 2590 2601 or 2590 2242 and their office hours are from 0900hrs till 1500hrs. 


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