eSafety Label

As from January 2016, the Malta Communications Authority (MCA) has been recognised as the National eSafety Label Administrator in Malta. Following intense collaborations with the eLearning unit within the Department of Quality Standards in Education (DQSE), schools ranging from State, Church or Independent, are encouraged to register themselves, with the European Schoolnet, which is the network of 34 European Ministries of Education, based in Brussels. As a not for profit organisation, the European Schoolnet aims to bring innovation in teaching and learning to the main key stakeholders, which are mainly schools, teachers and researchers.

The aim of the eSafety Label is to assist schools, meet the challenges of becoming more ICT secure and encourage them to commit themselves to provide a more secure environment and safer access to online technology, as part of the teaching and learning experience, for students and teachers alike. For the certification, schools are required to fill in an online assessment form by answering a set of questions related to the school Infrastructure, policy and practices.

Upon completion of the assessment form process, schools will receive a personalised tailor-made action plan to enable them to further develop their level of eSafety practice. Bronze, silver or gold accreditation may be achieved by the school. Certification achieved is valid for a period of 18 months. Schools are further encouraged to renew their certification on a yearly basis so as to keep up with the pace of change.

Access to the eSafety Label portal is available via The portal provides schools with an ever-growing set of resources with regards to eSafety advice and guidance. Registered schools also have the opportunity to engage in discussion forums with other schools.

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