Public Consultation on the Identification of services of social value in Europe that could benefit from single European freephone numbers starting with 116.  Deadline: Sunday 20th May 2007 The Commission services seek to identify services of social value in Europe that could beneft from single European freephone ...

This proposed Decision deals with the implementation of a first version WLR solution.  ...

Request for Further Modifications to Rollout Obligations tied to the Development and Implementation of Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) Networks in the 3.5GHz Band in Malta.  ...

The following is a list of current consultation papers and respective deadlines.  *Review of radio links licensing regime [1]* - Consultation closes on Monday, 19th October 2009.  [1] ...

In this consultation, the MCA proposes a number of amendments to specific clauses of the RIO, revisions to the various timelines set out in the RIO as well as revisions to the forecasting process included in the said RIO.  ...

This document summarises the findings of the market review regarding the Wholesale broadcasting transmission services market.  ...
