This statement of proposed decision is proposing a revision to the peak/off-peak/night time variations in fixed-line wholesale origination and termination rate. The Consultation period will run until noon of 1 July 2010  See also: i. Fixed Interconnection Pricing Review 2009: Report on Consultation and Decision ...

This proposed decision applies to premium rate services, which are those services that are accessible to subscribers of electronic communications by means of a telephone number starting with the digit '5'.  One of the principle objectives of this document is to maximise consumer protection whilst encouraging compe...

The MCA consults on the new proposed mobile termination rates in line the Interconnection Strategy decision. Consultation period runs till 12:00 hours on Friday 18th June 2010.  ...

This consultation document seeks views on the MCA's plans for the introduction of spectrum trading. The responses to this consultation will be used to provide recommendations to Government on the introduction of spectrum trading regulations outlining. This consultation closes on Tuesday, 6 July 2010. ...

The Authority would like to inform operators and the general public, that Government has revised the current fee structure as established under the Fees (Radiocommunications) Regulations (SL35.01).  The new fee structure aims to: • establish a common fee for all radio-relay links operating above 1GHz, including...

The MCA has received various requests with regards to wholesale access to data for the provision of publicly available directory enquire services and /or directory services.  The MCA is issuing this consultation paper to outline the proposed regulatory provisions in this regard. Deadline for submission of replies...
