This consultation paper depicts the radio spectrum management environment in Malta and its effectiveness, the factors that influence that environment and the existing and emerging policy issues warranting consideration over the coming years.  ...

Identification and analysis of markets, determination of market power and setting of remedies.  ...

This report summarises the responses elicited during the national consultation period, MCA's replies and the final decision adopted by the Authority. ...

The market review report presents the market definition and analysis of the wholesale broadband access market, and outlines the proposed remedies to be imposed on identfied SMP operators.  ...

The European Commission believes that consumers continue to pay unreasonably high prices for using their mobile phone abroad.  This is reducing cross-border use of mobile phones and presents an obstacle to the European market for electronic communications, so the Commission has started work on an EU regulation on ...

This consultation document [1] seeks the views of all interested parties with regard to the minimum standards to be achieved for the protection of the integrity of mail by postal operators.  [1] ...
