Following the consultation document on the proposed fixed-line wholesale origination and termination rates published in June 2009, the MCA is today publishing a report on consultation and decision on these fixed wholesale interconnection rates.  ...

This statement of proposed decision is proposing a revision to the peak/off-peak/night time variations in fixed-line wholesale origination and termination rates.  *The Consultation period will run until Thursday, 2nd July 2009. * View decision document [1] [1]

This policy was launched during a press conference held on Friday, 6th February 2009 by the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Communications, Hon Austing Gatt, together with Ing. Philip Micallef, Chairman, MCA and Mr. Joe Scicluna, Chairman, BA. ...

This proposed decision aims to define the various universal service elements, and to establish the framework to designate the relevant undertaking or undertakings that shall be responsible for providing each of these services.  *The consultation period will run until 30th June 2009. * View decision document [1] ...

 The MCA has today published a notice for consultation regarding the 3400 - 3800MHz band. In 2005, the MCA had undertaken an assignment process whereby three rights of use of spectrum in the 3400 – 3600 MHz band were granted.  During the last quarter of 2008, one of the licensees informed the Authority that it ...

This review defines the local retail calls markets, conducts an analysis of the relevant markets, and sets out the reasoning on the regulatory approach in view of the identified markets.  ...
