Proposed decision on the Source of Funding for the net cost incurred in providing universal service obligations during 2010

The MCA has today published the proposed decision on the Source of Funding for the net cost incurred in providing universal service obligations during 2010. A decision published in October 2014 on the review of GO plc’s application for funding of the net costs, establishes that the designated undertaking has suffered an unfair burden for the provision of the universal services and is entitled to receive the amount of €359,967 for the net cost incurred in providing each element of the US. The MCA is proposing, that as decided by the Government of Malta the established total amount of €359,967 shall be financed from public funds.
The consultation period shall run from the 14th November 2014 to the 12th January 2015.


MCA Reference: 
Closing Date: 
Monday, January 12, 2015

Related Decision:
Decision on the Source of funding for the net cost incurred in providing universal services during 2010