The Malta Cloud Forum announces its next public event

In 2016, the MCA established the Malta Cloud Forum (MCF), a multi-stakeholder forum of parties interested in the cloud computing eco-system, comprising representatives from consulting companies, civil society, government and academia. The MCA believes that cloud computing is a great enabler particularly for eCommerce, making it much easier to tap into the global eCommerce market via the cloud infrastructure.

The MCA chaired the fifth meeting of the MCF earlier this month, at the Malta Gaming Authority’s offices in Smart City. During the meeting it was decided that the next MCF public event will take the form of a business breakfast and will be targeted specifically for the business community. It is planned to be held in September and will include speakers and panel discussions with a business focus, rather than a technical one. A subsequent technical event is also being planned.

 A discussion on a series of information sessions with a focus on business digitisation was also held. The MCF is planning to organise these sessions based on the FastTrak format which the MCA is already delivering. A draft curriculum will be devised and presented to the members in the next MCF meeting.

 The MCF will also be publishing a number of informative articles on local news portals, focusing on the use of cloud computing with an emphasis on micros and SMEs. This ties very well with the MCF’s remit and will provide readers with practical information on cloud related technologies.  

 The next meeting of the MCF is planned for the end of July and will be held at the University of Malta.

 More information on the MCF is at


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