Highlights and Activities for Weeks 43 & 44

International News


  1. Telecoms

a) Policy Tracker.  Catherine Trautmann MEP's report has been approved by a show of hands at a plenary session of the European Parliament. The vote followed an hour-long debate on the state of the European telecoms industry that was attended by Neelie Kroes.  Read more… (subscription is required)

b) BEREC.  BEREC believes that the Commission has not adequately demonstrated that its proposals would generate value in European communications markets, and is concerned that, overall, some of them could be counterproductive. BEREC is of the view that the issues covered in the proposed Single Market Regulation are complex and sensitive, and therefore warrant comprehensive consultation and careful analysis. Read more…

c) Cullen International.  Mobile operators (MNOs, both established and new entrants, as well as MVNOs) were united in their criticism of the European Commission’s proposal on mobile international roaming. Even though they criticised different aspects of the plan, they all agreed that the proposals create legal uncertainty and should be changed. Read more... (subscription is required)

d) European Voice.  European Union member states are resisting European Commission pressure for agreement at this week's EU summit on a strict deadline for adopting the new telecoms package. France, Italy, Sweden, Hungary and the Czech Republic are among the countries arguing that...  Read more...

e) Analysys Mason.  The European Commission (EC) released Connected Continent: Building a Telecoms Single Market on 11 September 2013, a proposed legislative package that it stated is aimed at "building a connected, competitive continent and enabling sustainable digital jobs and industries." This may be good politics, but it is not good economics. Read more...

f)       Cullen International.  The European Council has “welcomed” the Commission’s draft regulation on the Telecoms Single Market in the conclusions adopted during its meeting on October 24‑25, 2013. It will address the issue again in 2014. Read more... (subscription is required)

g) European Commission.  The European Commission has formally asked the Spanish telecoms regulator (CNMC) to withdraw or amend its proposal setting the regulated prices which the dominant operator, Telefónica, can charge other operators who want to sell broadband services based on Telefónica's network.  Read more…

  1. Spectrum

a) Analysys Mason.  The volume of mobile data traffic reached 8.1 exabytes worldwide in 2012, according to Analysys Mason's Wireless network traffic worldwide: forecasts and analysis 2013–2018. The rate of growth in worldwide traffic declined from 99% in 2011 to 78% in 2012, but there were, unsurprisingly, major differences at a regional and country level. Read more...

b)     Policy Tracker.  The European Commission's draft regulation that was approved by the European Council late last Thursday contains a provision that should encourage the roll out of small cells across the EU.  Read more... (subscription is required)

c)      PolicyTracker.  European mobile operators have agreed on a preferred band plan for the 700 MHz band, but remain divided over whether spectrum not allocated to standard mobile broadband services should be used for public safety (PPDR) or supplementary downlink (SDL) capabilities.   Read more... (subscription is required)

  1. TV & Radio

a) Advanced Television.  Weve, the UK mobile advertising joint venture firm, has published a study claiming nearly half of all 18-34 year olds use their phones as their ‘first screen’.  Read more...

  1. NGA / Broadband

a) Cnet.  From the European government's perspective, those who operate telecommunications networks are moving too slowly. From the operators' perspective, the government's rate of change would mean unacceptable financial risk. Read more...  

b)     Advanced Television.  Superfast broadband is now available to almost three quarters of UK homes, and the number of people using the technology has more than doubled in the last year, Ofcom has revealed. The trends reflect wider changes in the UK’s communications infrastructure... Read more...

c)      Total Telecom.  The European Commission this week dangled a few carrots in front of the telcos at Broadband World Forum in a bid to encourage network investment. Following a video presentation by digital agenda commissioner Neelie Kroes on Wednesday ...  Read more...

d)     Advanced Television.  CableLabs, the non-profit research and development consortium for the cable industry, has confirmed the availability of its DOCSIS 3.1 PHY (physical layer) and MULPI (MAC and Upper Layer Protocol) specifications. Read more...

  1. Information Technology

a) The Wall Street Journal.  Parents should ban electronic media during mealtimes and after bedtime as part of a comprehensive "family media use plan," according to new recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics. The influential new ...  Read more…

b)     The Wall Street Journal.  The end could be near for cookies, the tiny pieces of code that marketers deploy on Web browsers to track people's online movements, serve targeted advertising and amass valuable user profiles. Read more...

  1. Post

a) Post & Parcel.  The joint venture launched by La Poste and Swiss Post last year has launched three options with different levels of tracking and security suitable for different online product purchases. Read more…

International Meetings

  1. 24th European Regional ITS (International Telecommunications Society) Conference: This conference was attended by our Head of Legal Affairs. Focusing on the general theme ‘Technology, Investment and Uncertainty’, a number of papers were presented covering a wide range of subjects including spectrum allocation, privacy, the impact of the EU framework, European market structures, pricing and consumer protection issues, mobile regulation and national experiences in dealing with regulatory issues amongst others. Over 50 papers were presented. The MCA infact presented a paper entitled “Enforcement and review of regulatory decisions in electronic communications: the Malta experience”.
  1. ERGP (European Regulators Group for Postal Services) Contact Network Meeting: The ERGP is an EU regulatory forum which discusses the implementation of the European postal framework. Our Manager on External Relations attended the ERGP Contact Network meeting during which a number of topics related to its Work Programme and the agenda of the next Heads Plenary meeting to be held in November were discussed.
  1. Other meetings: in addition to the above meetings, our Chief of External Relations attended a meeting in Brussels on the Digital Agenda for Europe whilst a Senior Technical Specialist attended a meeting organised by ENISA (European Network and Information Security Agency) in Ljubljana.


  1.  Post of Policy Analyst: The MCA published an open call for a Policy Analyst (MPO 103/2005/12 – ETC 144/2013). Closing date for submission of applications is Monday, 4th November 2013. To view position description click here. http://www.mca.org.mt/careers/post-policy-analyst


  1. DECISION - Market Review for the Postal Sector: Letter Mail Markets: The MCA published its final decision on the market definition of the postal sector in Malta and the consequent conclusions of the market review of the letter mail markets. Click here to view Decision http://www.mca.org.mt/decisions/market-review-postal-sector-letter-mail-markets-decision


  1. Telecentre-Europe Annual Summit: Telecentre Europe is a network of European public ICT learning centres known as Telecentres, which are set up in local authorities, NGOs, libraries and other educational venues. These telecentres focus on fostering knowledge sharing and learning amongst their members and on increasing their impact and effectiveness throughout Europe.  This year, Telecentre-Europe chose Malta to host its annual summit, for its commitment towards the Digital Economy and the strengthening of ICT skills amongst its population. Click here for more information… http://www.mca.org.mt/notices-and-announcements/telecentre-europe-annual-summit-held-malta-first-times
  2. eBusiness Awards finanlists announced: The MCA has concluded its adjudication of the 35 nominations received to participate in these awards. The list of finalists has been published and the winner will be announced during an event at the end of November. Click here to view list of finalists… http://www.mca.org.mt/notices-and-announcements/finalists-3rd-edition-ebusiness-awards-announced-today

Legal Update

During this period, three appeals were heard before the Administrative Review Tribunal.

  1. The DHL International Ltd vs MCA appeal was adjourned to the 12 December 2013 – the case is now scheduled for the Tribunal’s final decision. This appeal relates to a contestation as to what type of authorisation DHL require to provide postal services in Malta.
  2. The Global Parcels Limited vs MCA appeal has been  adjourned for the final submissions of the parties for the 28 November 2013. This appeal relates to a contestation as to what type of authorisation GPL require to provide postal services in Malta.
  3. GO plc vs MCA appeal regarding contestation of a regulatory decision relating to remedies imposed following an analysis of markets 4 and 5 was heard.
  4. One appeal by Melita contesting a compliance order by MCCAA is pending before the Competition and Consumer Appeals Tribunal. The appeal relates to the contestation of a compliance order by  MCCAA following adverts by Melita using the word unlimited in relation to some its products. The case was adjourned at the request of the parties involved following a proposal for a possible settlement to enable the parties to discuss this proposal.


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