Highlights and Activities for weeks 43 & 44

International Meetings

  1. Radio Spectrum Working Group (RSPG) Working Group: MCA representatives attended the 2nd RSPG working group meeting on cross border coordination during which the harmful interference problems caused by Italy to Malta were discussed. In this regard actions aimed to eliminate this interference were agreed to. Furthermore, the working group finalised the drafting of a report on a proposed spectrum coordination approach for broadcasting in the case of a reallocation of the 700 MHz band. This draft report is expected to be discussed during the RSPG plenary meeting.
  1. Directive issued to Melita plc regarding application of early termination charges: The MCA is aware of a number of instances where early termination charges were being applied by Melita plc to those subscribers who terminated services after a renewal of contract had taken place and after the initial 24 month-period had elapsed.  By means of this Directive, Melita plc is being required to desist, with immediate effect, from such practices. Moreover, Melita plc is also being required to refund any early termination charges, upon justified requests by subscribers, to those who terminated their service after a renewal of contract had taken place and after which the initial 24 month-period had elapsed. Such subscribers are encouraged to contact Melita plc directly. For more information click here.
  2. End-user complaints and enquiries half yearly report January – June 2012: This report provides an analysis of the complaints and enquires received by the MCA in the first half of 2012 and also focuses on enforcement actions and related monitoring activities undertaken by the MCA during this period. The MCA considers that the publication of this information raises awareness on consumer tools and rights in the sectors regulated by the MCA while also highlighting those practices which are creating difficulties for end-users and which will be closely monitored by the MCA. The MCA also strongly believes that this data may be of interest to intermediaries such as consumer groups and journalists who seek to advise and inform end-users about their rights. Click here for more information .
  1. Ageing in the digital age – Opportunities and Challenges of an ageing population: Coinciding with the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations and forming part of its eAgeing programme of initiatives, the MCA is organising a half-day seminar on the use of ICT in the context of a local Ageing Population. The seminar is aimed at stimulating a multi-disciplinary discussion on this relevant topic and to serve as an opportunity to explore the social and economic dimensions of ICT use within an ageing population context. The seminar is also aimed at stimulating wider discussion and cross-fertilisation of ideas between the diverse entities working in this field ranging from health care to ICT investment. Interested participants are encouraged to register by no later than Friday, 9th November. For more information on the line up of speakers and to register your participation, click here
  1. Information campaign on the importation of wireless equipment: The MCA embarked on a short but intensive campaign to inform the general public on what information to seek before purchasing or importing wireless equipment from overseas. Consumers are encouraged to look out for the ‘CE’ mark and ensure that the wireless equipment operates according to European standards and on frequencies assigned to that particular class of equipment. For more information click here.
  2. Change in Chairmanship: Dr. Antonio Ghio has been appointment non-Executive Chairman as from this coming December following the resignation of Ing. Philip Micallef who has occupied the position of Executive Chairman since 2008.
Legal Update:
  1. The appeals lodged by DHL and GPL continued to be heard before the Administrative Review Tribunal. Other sittings are scheduled to be held in late November. 
  2. Sittings were held before the Court of Magistrates related to disputes concerning administrative fees involving Sesco Investments Ltd and Melitanet Ltd. 
  3. A final decision was issued following a complaint against Mailbox Services Group whereby an administrative fine of €500 was imposed on the ground that Mailbox provided postal services without being authorised to do so in accordance with the Postal Services Act.    

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